If you have had your teeth professionally whitened this year with one of our Take-Home Teeth Whitening kits or In-Chair Teeth Whitening you’re going to want to note down the below tips to keep that smile bright and white.
After beginning his professional career in the RAAF as a dental officer, BGS Old Boy Daryl Holmes OBE ’81 went on to change the face of dentistry in Australia through his willingness to think big and innovate.
If the thought of teeth whitening has ever crossed your mind, then I’m sure you have heard about In-Chair Teeth Whitening before. If not the below is a summary that will help you decide if In-Chair Teeth Whitening is the right option for you.
If go on YouTube right now and type in “at-home teeth whitening methods”, you will find multiple videos of people claiming they have the guaranteed way for you to brighten your smile from the comfort of home.
When it comes to clear Orthodontics and getting the perfectly straight smile there is no method more popular than Invisalign. If you have ever considered getting Invisalign but often found yourself asking questions like how does Invisalign work, how long does Invisalign take, then the blog below is just for you.